Monday, March 30, 2009

just another not-so-manic monday

Let's see. What did I do today?

I woke up at noon, but in my defense I was up pretty late trying to write that stupid memo. Also, I need my beauty rest. Whatever. I don't need to make excuses. Sleeping is an awesome way to pass the time when you're unemployed.

Around 1:30pm I finally got out of bed. I ate a bagel and some spaghettios and watched TV. In a fit of productivity, I emailed the Federal Public Defender's office a job application for a research and writing attorney position. Then I took a shower with some 80s music in the background.

I had to meet Tony at the Whole Foods in Brentwood at 4pm to discuss some flyers I'm making for him for his new dance/fitness classes that start in a couple weeks. So I put on my brother's high school tennis sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, and blow-dried my hair by driving up 65 with the windows rolled down. Tony and I gossiped, discussed last night's performance of Jersey Boys at TPAC, and brainstormed about his blossoming business among the crunchy granola hippies at Whole Foods. (Damn, those people scare me.)

On my way home, I stopped by my mom's house to print out, sign, scan, and email some forms for my job that starts on Wednesday and pick up SATCO for me and Jeff. And since then I've been planted on my couch watching TV and one of my recent Netflix rentals (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2).

I guess my real "Monday" is going to be this Wednesday. I'm finally starting my job with the state as a paralegal on the TennCare project. (Who thought I would graduate from a top 10 law school and be working as a contract paralegal less than a year later? Yikes.) Just found out today that we have to be there at 8am. "There" being a ballroom in a random hotel near Metro Center. Ga-ross. I really hope that it's not just a million little old ladies who like to knit on their lunch hour. I need this job to be chock full of cool fun twentysomethings for me to become best friends with. That's the only thing that will make getting up at 6:30am worthwhile.

So tomorrow is my last day of unemployment for a while. I plan on spending it much the same way I spent today. Except I'm definitely going to the gym. And since Suzanna's finally back from NYC, I'm going to Mafioza's with her and some friends for pizza and beer. But definitely not doing anything that prevents me from sleeping until noon since it's the last time I'll be able to do that on a weekday for a while.

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